背景:说到并行计算,我想对很多人来说早就如雷贯耳了,并行计算目前有两个比较主流的应用手段:MPI , OpenMP (或者 二者配合)。很多人都“歧视”openmp,推崇MPI,认为openmp只不过是几个编译指令而已,很容易掌握,看起来没有MPI复杂,但是我可以说MPI也只不过是一堆消息传递函数而已吗,我个人认为MPI的主要难度在于对原始算法的修改,因为它一般需要一些数理基础。而OpenMP相对更加容易应用,而且实际上一般情况下,只能用OpenMP,这是因为:(1)MPI适用于“分布式多计算机”,也就是由多个计算机连结的工作站集群,我们所(青藏高原研究所)虽然有阳坤老师的一个由10个计算节点组成的工作站,但是由于我只是“下等”用户,每次最多只会分配给我一个节点,申请的节点多于一个就要无限期排队,这个先决条件就迫使我放弃MPI;(2)OpenMP适用于“集中式多处理器”,一台多核笔记本就完全满足条件了,而且,OpenMP的技术规范内容比较简单,易于掌握,可以实现快速应用,这对于我们这些“急于毕业”的人来说尤为重要。
for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++) {
pre-openmp time for main_gl is: 1 ms
1st loop for main_gl is: 114 ms
Glacier Model not run (Static Option)
2nd loop for main_gl is: 110 ms
Domain glacier-covered area = 19.892 percent
Snow-covered area = 61.939 percent
Watershed Snow-covered area = 61.939 percent
Watershed glacier-covered area = 19.892 percent
ALL DONE: 0.08 yr integration
uncertain time for main_gl is: 34 ms
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(4) schedule(static, chunk_size) reduction(+: count, n_mask)
其中,chunk_size是简单的=总栅格数 / cpu核数,此外,要注意好线程私有、共享变量等细节,另一个块的指令是类似的。另外,我指定的核数是4核,这是为了尽量使运行时的各个线程可以在高频下运行。
1st loop for main_gl is: 35 ms
Glacier Model not run (Static Option)
2nd loop for main_gl is: 22 ms
果然,114对比35,110对比22,目测速度快了很多,兴奋之余,问题来了:我指定的是4核,前者的速度只提高了3倍有余,而后者提高了近5倍,这是在逗我吗 ,即便是考虑到线程切换的额外消耗,这个对比也太异常了一点。
我首先定义了一个用于评定划分效果的“判断标准” —— load_balance = 最小负载 / 最大负载,这个值越大,则认为划分越有效,效果越好。(恩,这个很容易理解)
* Params:
* task_mask: the task to be extracted from
* flag_values: may be an array containing flags indicating time-expensive
* flag_weights: an array paired with flag_values indicating the weight of
* corresponding flag_value
* flag_num: num of flag_values
* cols: num of cloumns for task
* rows: num of rows for task
* interval: num of lines between each adjacent subtask
* num_subtasks: num of sub tasks to be divided into
* Returns: line index(0-based) where the new subtask ends
* Note: this func is not to extract all subtasks all at once,
* but to extract one subtask for a call
* */
extract_subtask_by_line(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int num_subtasks,
int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num)
int ns = num_subtasks;
if (ns == 1) {
return cols * rows -1;
if (ns <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: num of subtasks %d <= 0\n”, ns);
float total = load_value(task_mask, cols, rows, flag_values,
flag_weights, flag_num);
int i = 0;
float sum = 0.f;
for (i=0; i<rows; i++) {
int **task_line = &task_mask[i];
sum += load_value(task_line, cols, 1, flag_values,
flag_weights, flag_num);
if (sum >= total / num_subtasks) {
printf(“Load value : %f, when remaining %d subtasks.\n”,
sum, num_subtasks);
if (num_subtasks == 2) {
sum = total – sum;
printf(“Load value : %f, for the last subtask.\n”,
return i;
return -1;
* Description:
* Horizontally, average all lines into `num_subtasks’ subtasks,
* based on flag weightings.
* Returns: 1 for success, otherwise 0
extract_subtasks_by_line(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int num_subtasks,
int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num,
int *endline_labels)
int nr = rows;
int ns = num_subtasks;
int i = 0;
int forward = 0;
int line = 0;
for (; i<num_subtasks-1; ++i) {
printf(“Extracting %dth subtask, forwarding %dth(0-based) line\n”, i, forward);
line = extract_subtask_by_line(task_mask+forward,
cols, nr, ns, flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num);
if (line < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: failed to extract %dth subtask\n”, i);
return 0;
forward += line + 1;
endline_labels[i] = forward;
nr -= line + 1;
endline_labels[num_subtasks-1] = rows – 1;
return 1;
* Description: this func inserts needed intervals and updates
* original subtasks’ endline_labels
insert_interval_by_line(int interval, int **task_mask, int cols, int rows,
int num_subtasks, int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num,
int *startline_labels, int *endline_labels)
int i = 0;
int sline0 = 0;
int sline1 = 0;
int eline0 = 0;
int eline1 = 0;
for (; i<num_subtasks-1; ++i) {
eline0 = endline_labels[i];
sline1 = eline0 + 1;
eline1 = endline_labels[i+1];
int k = 0;
for (; k<interval; k++) {
float load0 = load_value(&task_mask[sline0], cols, eline0 – sline0 + 1,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num);
float load1 = load_value(&task_mask[sline1], cols, eline1 – sline1 + 1,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num);
if (load0 >= load1) {
else {
if (eline0 < sline0 || eline1 < sline1) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: startline exceeds endline, with %d-%d %d-%d, \
when inserting %dth interval\n”, sline0, eline0, sline1, eline1, k);
return 0;
startline_labels[i] = sline0;
startline_labels[i+1] = sline1;
endline_labels[i] = eline0;
endline_labels[i+1] = eline1;
sline0 = sline1;
int dbg = 0;
for (; dbg<num_subtasks; ++dbg) {
printf(“After inserting intervals, \
the %dth subtask is from line %d to %d\n”,
dbg, startline_labels[dbg],endline_labels[dbg]);
return 1;
* Returns: bool flag indicating whether dividing is successful
horizontal_divide(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int num_subtasks, int interval,
int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num,
int ***subtasks_x, int ***subtasks_y, int ***intervals_x, int ***intervals_y,
int **count_subtasks, int **count_intervals,
float *load_balance)
printf(“Start doing horizontal dividing…\n”);
int endline_labels[num_subtasks];
int startline_labels[num_subtasks];
if (extract_subtasks_by_line(task_mask, cols, rows, num_subtasks,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num, endline_labels)
< 0) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: failed to averagely divide horizontally, before \
inserting intervals.\n”);
return 0;
printf(“All sub tasks have been divided out, without intervals\n”);
int sl[num_subtasks];
int el[num_subtasks];
int dbg0 = 0;
int dbg1 = 0;
for (; dbg0<num_subtasks; ++dbg0) {
sl[dbg0] = dbg1;
el[dbg0] = endline_labels[dbg0];
dbg1 = el[dbg0] + 1;
float lb0 = horizontal_divide_load_balance(task_mask, cols, num_subtasks,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num,
sl, el);
printf(“Load balance value is: %f, using horizontally dividing, \
before inserting inervals\n”, lb0);
*subtasks_y = (int **)calloc(num_subtasks, sizeof(int *));
*subtasks_x = (int **)calloc(num_subtasks, sizeof(int *));
if (interval > 0) {
*intervals_x = (int **)calloc(num_subtasks-1, sizeof(int *));
*intervals_y = (int **)calloc(num_subtasks-1, sizeof(int *));
else {
*intervals_x = NULL;
*intervals_y = NULL;
if (!insert_interval_by_line(interval, task_mask, cols, rows,
num_subtasks, flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num,
startline_labels, endline_labels)) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: failed to insert intervals, when doing horizontal divide.\n”);
return 0;
*load_balance = horizontal_divide_load_balance(task_mask, cols, num_subtasks,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num,
startline_labels, endline_labels);
printf(“Load balance value is: %f, using horizontally dividing, \
after inserting intervals\n”, *load_balance);
int i = 0;
for (; i<num_subtasks-1; i++) {
if (startline_labels[i+1] – endline_labels[i] – 1 != interval) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: the spacing lines between %dth and %dth subtask \
don’t match the interval %d, with endline- %d, startline- %d\n”, i, i+1, interval,
endline_labels[i], startline_labels[i+1]);
int *tmp = (int *)calloc((endline_labels[i]-startline_labels[i]+1)*cols, sizeof(int));
if (tmp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for subtasks_x[%d]\n”, i);
return 0;
(*subtasks_x)[i] = tmp;
tmp = NULL;
tmp = (int *)calloc((endline_labels[i]-startline_labels[i]+1)*cols, sizeof(int));
if (tmp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for subtasks_y[%d]\n”, i);
return 0;
(*subtasks_y)[i] = tmp;
if (interval > 0) {
tmp = NULL;
tmp = (int *)calloc(interval*cols, sizeof(int));
if (tmp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for intervals_x[%d]\n”, i);
return 0;
(*intervals_x)[i] = tmp;
tmp = NULL;
tmp = (int *)calloc(interval*cols, sizeof(int));
if (tmp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for intervals_y[%d]\n”, i);
return 0;
(*intervals_y)[i] = tmp;
tmp = NULL;
if (i == num_subtasks-2) {
tmp = (int *)calloc((endline_labels[i+1]-startline_labels[i+1]+1)*cols, sizeof(int));
if (tmp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for subtasks_x[%d]\n”, i+1);
return 0;
(*subtasks_x)[i+1] = tmp;
tmp = NULL;
tmp = (int *)calloc((endline_labels[i+1]-startline_labels[i+1]+1)*cols, sizeof(int));
if (tmp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for subtasks_y[%d]\n”, i+1);
return 0;
(*subtasks_y)[i+1] = tmp;
tmp = NULL;
*count_subtasks = (int *)calloc(num_subtasks, sizeof(int));
*count_intervals = (int *)calloc(num_subtasks-1, sizeof(int));
int k = 0;
int j = 0;
for (i=0; i<num_subtasks-1; ++i) {
int count = 0;
for (j=startline_labels[i]; j<=endline_labels[i]; ++j) {
for (k=0; k<cols; ++k) {
(*subtasks_x)[i][count] = k;
(*subtasks_y)[i][count] = j;
(*count_subtasks)[i] = count;
count = 0;
for (j=endline_labels[i]+1; j<=endline_labels[i]+interval; ++j) {
for (k=0; k<cols; ++k) {
(*intervals_x)[i][count] = k;
(*intervals_y)[i][count] = j;
(*count_intervals)[i] = count;
if (i == num_subtasks – 2) {
count = 0;
for (j=startline_labels[i+1]; j<=endline_labels[i+1]; ++j) {
for (k=0; k<cols; ++k) {
(*subtasks_x)[i+1][count] = k;
(*subtasks_y)[i+1][count] = j;
(*count_subtasks)[i+1] = count;
return 1;
要实施这个划分,就要清楚整个矩形区域的”负载分布“,所以,我统计了在第一个循环中,Mask栅格和非Mask栅格的总耗时,然后除以各自的总数,得到两者的耗时比例为3:1,那么我就可以定义flag_weights = {3, 1},把此权重带入“水平划分” ,得到的划分结果为:
Start doing horizontal dividing…
Extracting 0th subtask, forwarding 0th(0-based) line
Load value : 341289.000000, when remaining 4 subtasks.
Extracting 1th subtask, forwarding 257th(0-based) line
Load value : 339405.000000, when remaining 3 subtasks.
Extracting 2th subtask, forwarding 438th(0-based) line
Load value : 339485.000000, when remaining 2 subtasks.
Load value : 339159.000000, for the last subtask.
All sub tasks have been divided out, without intervals
Load value of 0th subtask is: 342926.000000
Load value of 1th subtask is: 339873.000000
Load value of 2th subtask is: 339335.000000
Load value of 3th subtask is: 337204.000000
Load balance value is: 0.983314, using horizontally dividing, before inserting inervals
1st loop for main_gl is: 28 ms
Glacier Model not run (Static Option)
2nd loop for main_gl is: 22 ms
这里做一个假设的情景:在计算河道汇流时,相邻栅格会有“依赖性”,所以这时需要加入“隔离带”,如果以行为单位的话,隔离带就应该是两行,我的研究区所覆盖的范围是:868行 x 807列,此外,我只计算被标记为流域的栅格。
Start doing horizontal dividing…
Extracting 0th subtask, forwarding 0th(0-based) line
Load value : 82596.000000, when remaining 4 subtasks.
Extracting 1th subtask, forwarding 294th(0-based) line
Load value : 82315.000000, when remaining 3 subtasks.
Extracting 2th subtask, forwarding 440th(0-based) line
Load value : 82396.000000, when remaining 2 subtasks.
Load value : 82124.000000, for the last subtask.
All sub tasks have been divided out, without intervals
Load value of 0th subtask is: 83005.000000
Load value of 1th subtask is: 82554.000000
Load value of 2th subtask is: 82347.000000
Load value of 3th subtask is: 81525.000000
Load balance value is: 0.982170, using horizontally dividing, before inserting inervals
After inserting intervals, the 0th subtask is from line 0 to 292
After inserting intervals, the 1th subtask is from line 295 to 439
After inserting intervals, the 2th subtask is from line 442 to 576
After inserting intervals, the 3th subtask is from line 579 to 867
Load value of 0th subtask is: 82186.000000
Load value of 1th subtask is: 81906.000000
Load value of 2th subtask is: 81100.000000
Load value of 3th subtask is: 80927.000000
Load balance value is: 0.984681, using horizontally dividing, after inserting intervals
8核:Load balance value is: 0.954523, using horizontally dividing, after inserting intervals
12核:Load balance value is: 0.940436, using horizontally dividing, after inserting intervals
16核:Load balance value is: 0.906926, using horizontally dividing, after inserting intervals
vertical_divide(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int num_subtasks, int interval,
int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num,
int ***subtasks_x, int ***subtasks_y, int ***intervals_x, int ***intervals_y,
int **count_subtasks, int **count_intervals,
float *load_balance)
/* create buffers to store data rotated horizontally */
printf(“Start vertical dividing…\n”);
int hrows = cols;
int hcols = rows;
int **hdata = (int **)calloc(hrows, sizeof(int *));
if (hdata == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for hdata\n”);
int *hbuf = (int *)calloc(hcols*hrows, sizeof(int));
if (hbuf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: can’t calloc for hbuf\n”);
int i = 0;
for (; i<hrows; ++i) {
hdata[i] = hbuf + i*hcols;
/* convert vertical indexs and values to horizontal ones */
int j = 0;
for (i=0; i<hrows; ++i) {
for (j=0; j<hcols; ++j) {
hdata[i][j] = task_mask[j][i];
int **hsubtasks_x = NULL;
int **hsubtasks_y = NULL;
int **hintervals_x = NULL;
int **hintervals_y = NULL;
if (!horizontal_divide(hdata, hcols, hrows, num_subtasks, interval,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num,
&hsubtasks_x, &hsubtasks_y, &hintervals_x, &hintervals_y,
count_subtasks, count_intervals,
load_balance)) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: failed to do horizontally dividing, \
before converting to vertical ones\n”);
return 0;
*subtasks_x = hsubtasks_x;
*subtasks_y = hsubtasks_y;
for (i=0; i<num_subtasks; ++i) {
int hncols = 0;
while (hsubtasks_y[i][hncols] == hsubtasks_y[i][0]) {
int hnrows = (*count_subtasks)[i] / hncols;
int ox = hsubtasks_y[i][0];
int oy = hsubtasks_x[i][0];
int nrows = hncols;
int ncols = hnrows;
int ci = 0;
int ri = 0;
int c = 0;
for (ri=0; ri<nrows; ++ri) {
for (ci=0; ci<ncols; ++ci) {
(*subtasks_x)[i][c] = ox + ci;
(*subtasks_y)[i][c] = oy + ri;
int dbg = 0;
for (; dbg<num_subtasks; ++dbg) {
printf(“After vertical dividing, \
%dth subtask’s extent is from %d to %d in x dir, and from %d to %d in y dir\n”,
dbg, (*subtasks_x)[dbg][0], (*subtasks_x)[dbg][(*count_subtasks)[dbg]-1],
(*subtasks_y)[dbg][0], (*subtasks_y)[dbg][(*count_subtasks)[dbg]-1]);
if (interval > 0) {
*intervals_x = hintervals_x;
*intervals_y = hintervals_y;
for (i=0; i<num_subtasks-1; ++i) {
int hncols = 0;
while (hintervals_y[i][hncols] == hintervals_y[i][0]) {
int hnrows = (*count_intervals)[i] / hncols;
int ox = hintervals_y[i][0];
int oy = hintervals_x[i][0];
int nrows = hncols;
int ncols = hnrows;
int ci = 0;
int ri = 0;
int c = 0;
for (ri=0; ri<nrows; ++ri) {
for (ci=0; ci<ncols; ++ci) {
(*intervals_x)[i][c] = ox + ci;
(*intervals_y)[i][c] = oy + ri;
else {
*intervals_x = NULL;
*intervals_y = NULL;
if (interval > 0) {
dbg = 0;
for (; dbg<num_subtasks-1; ++dbg) {
printf(“After vertical dividing, \
the %dth interval’s extent is from %d to %d in x dir, and from %d to %d in y dir\n”,
dbg, (*intervals_x)[dbg][0], (*intervals_x)[dbg][(*count_intervals)[dbg]-1],
(*intervals_y)[dbg][0], (*intervals_y)[dbg][(*count_intervals)[dbg]-1]);
printf(“After vertical dividing, load balance value is %f\n”, *load_balance);
/* free buffers */
return 1;
straight_divide(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int num_subtasks, int interval,
int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num,
int ***subtasks_x, int ***subtasks_y, int ***intervals_x, int ***intervals_y,
int **count_subtasks, int **count_intervals,
float *load_balance)
float lb_h = 0.f;
/* horizontal ptrs */
int **sx_h = NULL;
int **sy_h = NULL;
int **ix_h = NULL;
int **iy_h = NULL;
int *cs_h = NULL;
int *ci_h = NULL;
float lb_v = 0.f;
/* vertical ptrs */
int **sx_v = NULL;
int **sy_v = NULL;
int **ix_v = NULL;
int **iy_v = NULL;
int *cs_v = NULL;
int *ci_v = NULL;
if (!horizontal_divide(task_mask, cols, rows, num_subtasks, interval,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num,
&sx_h, &sy_h, &ix_h, &iy_h,
&cs_h, &ci_h,
&lb_h)) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: failed to do horizontal dividing.\n”);
if (!vertical_divide(task_mask, cols, rows, num_subtasks, interval,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num,
&sx_v, &sy_v, &ix_v, &iy_v,
&cs_v, &ci_v,
&lb_v)) {
fprintf(stderr, “Error: failed to do vertical dividing.\n”);
if (lb_h >= lb_v) {
*subtasks_x = sx_h;
*subtasks_y = sy_h;
*intervals_x = ix_h;
*intervals_y = iy_h;
*count_subtasks = cs_h;
*count_intervals = ci_h;
*load_balance = lb_h;
printf(“Horizontal dividing is selected for straight dividing\n\
, and its load balance value is %f\n”, lb_h);
else {
*subtasks_x = sx_v;
*subtasks_y = sy_v;
*intervals_x = ix_v;
*intervals_y = iy_v;
*count_subtasks = cs_v;
*count_intervals = ci_v;
*load_balance = lb_v;
printf(“Vertical dividing is selected for straight dividing\n\
, and its load balance value is %f\n”, lb_v);
return 1;
将其命名为“straight divide” 。
这两个划分显然太简单了,所以,我又想到一个”十字划分“:将矩形区域的中心点作为原点,然后在垂直和水平方向各划一条线,划分为4个区域,为了让这四个区域的“负载均衡” 达到最大,让”原点“移动有限次(比如100,500),移动的原则是:向负载值较大的方向移动,如果达到预期的负载均衡值或者达到移动次数上限就停止移动。
* Description:
* move one step just in x direction or y direction, not both
* Params:
* origin_x: col_index(0 based) of point located at the upper left corner
* of central intervalling area
* origin_y: row_index(0 based)
* Returns:
* the load balance value after moving
* Note:
* x0[ind], `ind’ distributes:
* 0 1
* 2 3
* origin_x/y, is like: (points means interval area)
* . . . .
* 0 . . . . 1
* ..y/x . . ….
* …. ….
* …. midd ….
* …. . . ….
* 2 . . . . 3
crossed_divide_move_xy(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int interval,
int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num,
int *origin_x, int *origin_y)
int i = 0;
int x0[4];
int y0[4];
int x1[4];
int y1[4];
crossed_divide_find_xy_from_origin(*origin_x, *origin_y,
cols, rows, interval, x0, y0, x1, y1);
float loads[4];
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
loads[i] = crossed_divide_load_value(task_mask, x0[i], y0[i], x1[i], y1[i],
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num);
printf(“Loads of %dth subtask is: %f, with x0-%d, \
y0-%d, x1-%d, y1-%d\n”, i, loads[i], x0[i], y0[i], x1[i], y1[i]);
float yerr = 0.f;
float xerr = 0.f;
/* firsly, determine in which direction to move */
yerr = loads[0] + loads[1] – (loads[2] + loads[3]);
xerr = loads[0] + loads[2] – (loads[1] + loads[3]);
if (fabs(yerr) >= fabs(xerr)) {
if (yerr != 0) {
if (yerr > 0) {
*origin_y -= 1;
else {
*origin_y += 1;
else {
if (xerr != 0) {
if (xerr > 0) {
*origin_x -= 1;
else {
*origin_x += 1;
if (yerr > 0) {
*origin_y -= 1;
else {
*origin_y += 1;
if (xerr > 0) {
*origin_x -= 1;
else {
*origin_x += 1;
return load_balance(loads, 4);
* Params:
* threshold: the threshold above which the dividing is acceptable and stops
crossed_divide(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int interval,
float threshold, int max_trials,
int *flag_values, float *flag_weights, int flag_num,
int ***subtasks_x, int ***subtasks_y, int **intervals_x, int **intervals_y,
int **count_subtasks, int *count_intervals, float *lb)
if (interval <= 0) {
intervals_x = NULL;
intervals_y = NULL;
int origin_x = cols/2 – interval/2;
int origin_y = rows/2 – interval/2;
int x0[4];
int y0[4];
int x1[4];
int y1[4];
float loads[4];
int i = 0; // times of trials
*subtasks_x = (int **)calloc(4, sizeof(int *));
*subtasks_y = (int **)calloc(4, sizeof(int *));
*intervals_x = (int *)calloc(5, sizeof(int));
*intervals_y = (int *)calloc(5, sizeof(int));
crossed_divide_find_xy_from_origin(origin_x, origin_y,
cols, rows, interval, x0, y0, x1, y1);
printf(“Start dividing crossedly…\n”);
printf(“Origin origin_x: %d, origin_y: %d\n”, origin_x, origin_y);
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
loads[i] = crossed_divide_load_value(task_mask, x0[i], y0[i], x1[i], y1[i],
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num);
printf(“Loads of %dth subtask is: %f, with x0-%d, \
y0-%d, x1-%d, y1-%d\n”, i, loads[i], x0[i], y0[i], x1[i], y1[i]);
float balance = load_balance(loads, 4);
printf(“Origin load balance is: %f\n”, balance);
float maxb = balance;
int ox = origin_x;
int oy = origin_y;
if (balance < threshold) {
for (; i<max_trials; i++) {
printf(“Starting %dth trial…\n”, i);
balance = crossed_divide_move_xy(task_mask, cols, rows, interval,
flag_values, flag_weights, flag_num,
&ox, &oy);
printf(“At %dth trial, load balance value is %f\n”, i, balance);
if (balance > maxb) {
maxb = balance;
crossed_divide_find_xy_from_origin(ox, oy,
cols, rows, interval, x0, y0, x1, y1);
printf(“After %dth trial, max load balance value changed to %f\n”, i, maxb);
if (maxb >= threshold) {
printf(“After %d times searches, the load balance %f is attained\n”,
i, maxb);
printf(“, with origin_x – %d, origin_y – %d\n”, ox, oy);
int j = 0;
for (; j<4; j++) {
(*subtasks_x)[j] = (int *)calloc((y1[j]-y0[j]+1)*(x1[j]-x0[j]+1), sizeof(int));
(*subtasks_y)[j] = (int *)calloc((y1[j]-y0[j]+1)*(x1[j]-x0[j]+1), sizeof(int));
*intervals_x = (int *)calloc(interval*(cols+rows-interval), sizeof(int));
*intervals_y = (int *)calloc(interval*(cols+rows-interval), sizeof(int));
int count = 0;
int k = 0;
for (j=0; j<interval; ++j) {
for (k=0; k<cols; ++k) {
(*intervals_x)[count] = k;
(*intervals_y)[count] = j + y1[0] + 1;
for (j=0; j<interval; ++j) {
for (k=0; k<rows; ++k) {
if (k >= y1[0]+1 && k <= y0[2]-1) {
(*intervals_x)[count] = j + x1[0] + 1;
(*intervals_y)[count] = k;
*count_intervals = count;
*count_subtasks = (int *)calloc(4, sizeof(int));
int m = 0;
for (; m<4; ++m) {
count = 0;
for (j=y0[m]; j<=y1[m]; ++j) {
for (k=x0[m]; k<=x1[m]; ++k) {
(*subtasks_x)[m][count] = k;
(*subtasks_y)[m][count] = j;
(*count_subtasks)[m] = count;
*lb = maxb;
return i;
* inervals’s dims should be 1, so count_intervals is just an integer, not an array
shelf_divide(int **task_mask, int cols, int rows, int num_subtasks, int interval,
while (sy[k/subns[i-1]][k%subns[i-1]][tnx] == sy[k/subns[i-1]][k%subns[i-1]][0]) {
printf(“For %dth task, ox- %d, oy- %d, ex- %d, ey- %d, nc- %d, nr- %d, offset- %d\n”,
while (sy[k/subns[nd-1]][k%subns[nd-1]][tnx] == sy[k/subns[nd-1]][k%subns[nd-1]][0]) {
printf(“For %dth task, ox- %d, oy- %d, ex- %d, ey- %d, nc- %d, nr- %d, offset- %d\n”,
printf(“After shelf-like dividing, load balance value is: %f\n”, *load_balance_value);
不过凡事都有两面性:表面上看起来,“书架式划分”的负载均衡似乎提高了,但是,有两点却是损失了,其一,水平划分比较符合数据在主存中的排列顺序,可以有效减少cache miss,而垂直划分会增加程序对cahce line的需求从而增加cache miss的次数,最终也会对执行效率产生一定影响,当然了,如果数据量不大,影响也就很小了。其二,水平或垂直划分后的”隔离带“易于再次实施并行计算(核数-1),而书架式划分之后剩下的“隔离带”则相对复杂一点。