纯属娱乐,新年第一贴,举办一次编程语言的“性能大赛” ,本次比赛的参赛选手有:
Java C# C C++ Fortran Python IDL awk
共8位,We can see,既有像Java、C#这种高富帅选手(标准库很完备,饭来张口,粉丝无数),又包含了C、Fortran这样的纯屌丝选手(靠近底层,事事亲为),还有像Python、IDL这样的科研宠儿,而高大全、伟光正的C++自然不会甘落人后的,最后,awk作为“民科”类选手,也堂而皇之地参赛了,当然了,想也知道这货是成不了黑马的,。言而总之,这场比赛着实令我期待。
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A python script for extracting snow cover area from MODIS Snow production by combining both TERRA and AQUA
# Author: zhb
# Email: zhanghongbo@itpcas.ac.cn
# Task: to use Multiday Auqa and Terra modis data to extract snow cover
import arcpy
import os
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
import arcgisscripting
import re
# mostPath: path of Terra
mostPath = “G:\MODIS\\TerraOut”
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