
Performance measurement calculation


Below are some practical scripts

1. Mask
Description: extracting subset of multiple raster data using a mask file
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)
Code in IDL (ENVI/IDL)

Description: extracting subset of multiple raster data using multiple mask files
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

2. Get grid polygon
Description: get the outline of the grid with specified row and col numbers
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

3. Batch transforming projection
Description: input is raster data
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

4. Batch defining projection
Description: input is raster data
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

5. Batch adding specified field
Description: calculating each feature’s area and add area field
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

Below are some specialized codes, but can be easily modified for other purposes

1. Terra-Aqua snow cover data combination
Description: use Multiday Auqa and Terra modis data to extract snow cover
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

2. Calculate spatially averaged daily lst
Description: calculate basin-averaged daily lst taking MOD11 daily LST products and watershed polygon shapefile as inputs
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

3. Calculate areas classified by aspect and elevation
Description: three aspect classes and user-defined elevation zones are considered
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

4. Retrive MODIS EVI for each elevation zone
Description: calculate the basin-averaged cell evi value at different elevation zone
Code in Python (Arcgis/arcpy)

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